How to Buy Cheap FUT Coins in Five Easy Steps

How to Buy Cheap FUT Coins in Five Easy Steps

Everyone with the slightest ambition in FIFA 20 FUT dreams of buying cheap coins. That’s the fastest and easiest road to building a powerful team feared by everyone.

Here, we will walk you through the process of buying cheap FUT coins while being considerate about not being scammed. That’s why the first steps don’t take you directly into the art of getting the best deal, but how to buy FUT coins safely.

After all, the FUT coins trading industry is not regulated by anyone, and we all know EA’s official stance on that matter.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Step #1 - Educate yourself

This is about learning how to distinguish a scam from the real deal.

Scammers almost by default offer “too good to be true” types of deals. They claim that they have hacked EA’s system and they are the best ones on the market. However, outside their websites, you won’t find anyone to support those claims.

Then you’ll find some reputable coin traders whose price ranges are within your expectations and the industry average. They have their refund policy, a privacy policy (they commit to not selling your data to third parties), they work with multiple payment processors, and so on.

Step #2 - Join a community

One of the best things about FIFA 20 FUT is that it has a massive base of passionate devotees. Many of them are either part of some Facebook Group or Page dedicated to FIFA 20 FUT, an online forum, Reddit, or some other social media.

There they openly write about their experiences with FUT 20 coin traders, the deals they got, the way the payment went, how fast the payment was, and so on. They are not shy even when it comes to negative experiences and if they were scammed by someone.

Therefore, you can use their knowledge and experience to find the most reputable coin traders on the internet. The ones that have been around longest, have been consistent in their services.

Step #3 - Independent reviews

Review websites like Trustpilot and Yelp are excellent for discovering what people think about certain services - FUT 20 coin traders are no exception. A constant flow of positive reviews is a sure sign that you are looking at a reliable and trustworthy FUT 20 coin trader.

Step #4 - Compare

By this time, you have a list of reputable online FUT 20 coin traders. Here is pretty straightforward - visit, record their prices and compare. If you have identified several reputable and trustworthy FUT 20 coin traders, the price of the coins should be your final criteria.

Step #5 - Buy & Share Your Experience

This is the final step in which your caution and consideration truly pay off.

Once you buy your cheap FUT coins you should share your experience within some of the FUT 20 communities on social media. That way, other folks like you, can learn from your experiences.

That’s how you help other people avoid online scammers and buy only from the best traders online.